Carmen's winning smile
Carmen, from Florida, is a beautiful young woman who appears to be the picture of confidence. She's a project manager for a software company, working with law enforcement. She is a fitness instructor. She's even participated in a beauty pageant! But regardless of all of her personal success, Carmen felt insecure about the appearance of her teeth. She always recognized the value of a person's smile and how that smile is something that everyone sees. But hers always left her a little uncomfortable.
Carmen's teeth were crowded and unevenly spaced, so she never wanted to smile widely. While this posed a rather awkward obstacle in Carmen's everyday life, it was an unavoidable situation when she competed in a beauty pageant. For pageants, Carmen comments, "We just had to smile, smile, smile! I was so self-conscious about it." That experience, that discomfort and unease, that's what pushed Carmen to get her smile fixed.
Carmen knew she wanted her teeth corrected, but she wasn't sure how best to achieve that end – luckily her dentist did! She trusted her dentist to select the product that would be the most long-lasting, most durable and most natural-looking, and her dentist made the choice to go with e.max®. Carmen's family was a little apprehensive about her having any restorative dental work, but she knew that her dentist thought e.max was the best option for her to regain confidence in her smile. She needed little preparation done to her natural teeth preceding her e.max procedure and before she knew it, her smile had been transformed.
Beauty below the surface
Carmen was very impressed with the quality and detail that went into her new e.max smile. "I was just expecting to have straight teeth," she notes. "But I didn't expect all of the detail work that went into it -- the bottom, the tips, everything." And as a self-proclaimed perfectionist, these details were not lost on her.
Now that Carmen has her e.max smile, confidence is no longer an issue. She's noticed that having a beautiful smile, for her, is a huge part of self-assurance. "Once you have confidence, it changes a lot of other things in your life," Carmen says. She's noticed that her enhanced self-esteem fosters that feeling in others, making a positive impact on people around her.
Would she encourage others to get their own e.max smiles? Absolutely! Carmen feels like e.max changed her smile and changed her life. "Your smile really does make an impact in your life. You will never regret it."